The best way to handle a problem is to avoid it altogether, right? That’s always easier than having to get something fixed. As you might have guessed, this principle couldn’t be truer when it comes to your teeth! That’s why the team at Advanced Smile Design puts so much of our focus on providing high-level preventive care. With regular checkups and the services listed below, we can keep your entire family protected from cavities and gum disease year after year, ensuring you all enjoy bright and happy smiles.
Dental checkups and cleanings are the backbones of preventive dentistry. We recommend that patients of all ages should receive these helpful services at least once every six months so we can catch and treat any minor issues as soon as they pop up. Plus, cleanings from our hygiene team will not only make your teeth feel porcelain smooth afterward, but they’ll also remove harmful plaque and bacteria buildup that your brush and floss can’t reach at home!
Learn About Checkups And Cleanings
Oral cancer is a potentially deadly disease that is very hard to detect early on, meaning many patients only notice symptoms and reach out for care when it is already quite advanced. Nothing gets past our team’s trained eyes, however, which is why we perform an oral cancer screening at every checkup. We’re able to spot the slightest signs of potentially cancerous tissues inside the mouth so patients can get the care they need as quickly as possible, dramatically improving their chances of recovery.
Getting up early is hard enough, let alone if you have a headache or sore jaw every morning. These problems might be due to nocturnal teeth grinding, also known as “bruxism.” This exposes the teeth to pressure far exceeding normal chewing, so over time, it can severely wear down and even crack the enamel. A broken tooth is certainly no way to start the day! Fortunately, we can provide patients with a custom-made nightguard to protect their smile. It places a thin barrier between the teeth to prevent any harmful contact during the night.
There’s a simple reason you’ll find fluoride added to almost every oral healthcare product on the market—it works! Regular exposure to this mineral has been proven to dramatically lower someone’s risk for cavities, which is why in addition to your toothpaste, you’ll also find it here at Advanced Smile Design. At the end of regular checkups, we can apply a fluoride varnish to the teeth that quickly repairs any areas of minor damage to stop many cavities before they even start.
If you move your jaw from side to side, those little hinges you can feel right below your ears are your TMJ or temporomandibular joint. This is what allows your jaw to move freely in all directions, that is if it is functioning properly. Due to injury, arthritis, or a misaligned bite, a person can sometimes develop a TMJ disorder, or TMD. This can lead to symptoms like a stiff and painful jaw, chronic headaches, and soreness in the neck and shoulders. Luckily, patients can find relief from these problems at Advanced Smile Design, where our team can use targeted therapies and specially-made oral appliances to rebalance the bite and stop any pain.
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