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True or False – Is Swimming Bad for Your Teeth?

June 25, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 8:21 pm
family swimming in a pool during summer

During the warmer months, there are several ways people can cool down under the hot summer sun. Swimming is by far the most popular. After all, who wouldn’t want to go for a refreshing swim during the sunny season? Well, it may surprise you to learn that this fun activity can have severe effects on your oral health. Read on to find how it affects your teeth and what you can do to protect your smile.   


3 Cosmetic Dentistry Myths Your Dentist is Ready to Debunk

June 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 4:37 pm
a woman smiling after learning the truth behind cosmetic dentistry myths

Tired of feeling unsure about the information you’re reading online? With so many forums and so-called “experts” giving their opinion and instead, stating them as “fact,” it can become increasingly different to try and separate what is true and false. Fortunately, a licensed dentist is here to officially debunk 3 cosmetic dentistry myths once and for all, so you can make the right decision about the future of your smile.


Addicted to Chewing on Ice? Here’s Why You Should Stop.

May 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 7:40 pm
Woman holding up a piece of ice to her mouth

Whether you enjoy chewing on ice to cool down in the summer heat or because you love the crunch, it is important to remember that it is one of the worst habits you can have when it comes to your teeth. In fact, even the crushed ice (which restaurants like Sonic have made oh-so-popular) can result in a dental emergency, causing your once relaxing day to turn into an afternoon at your dentist’s office. Keep reading to learn why chewing on ice is so bad for your teeth as well as a few tips for kicking the habit!


Beware of These 4 Summer Activities That Can Damage Your Smile

May 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 5:58 pm
Closeup of man experiencing tooth sensitivity while eating a popsicle

From days spent by the pool to nights gathered around the bonfire, the summer sun brings about a number of fun activities. Sadly, however, many of them can wreak havoc on your teeth and gums, leading to tooth decay and cavities come fall. The good news is that by avoiding a few dangerous habits, you can enjoy the warmer weather and protect your smile at the same time!


4 TikTok Dental Trends That You Should Avoid

April 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 6:12 am
Lemon juice

Social media is a great way to keep up with all of the current trends, and many of them are very tempting. Whether you are looking to try out a new makeup look or want to whip up something delicious from a popular recipe, TikTok always has something interesting to share. However, it isn’t the best place to go when it comes to getting dental advice. There are many dangerous TikTok dental trends that you should not be partaking in. Here are just a few of them.


4 Reasons Why You Should Be Flossing Every Day

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 5:40 am
Woman flossing

Since you were very young, you have been told that you need to floss every single day in order to keep your oral health in optimal shape. Floss shouldn’t be save just for those occasions where you have popcorn or beef stuck in your teeth. It is important that you take the time to floss for a number of different reasons. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist about why flossing is important.


What Is Causing Your Dental Fear?

March 26, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 2:43 am
Woman with dental phobia

If you have dental anxiety, you aren’t alone. This is actually a very common issue. Nearly 75% of adults in the United States claim to have some level of stress or anxiety when visiting the dentist. About 10% of those people have a fear that is strong enough to be considered dental phobia. The good news is that with modern dental technology and innovations, having a fear of the dental office doesn’t need to keep you from getting the essential oral healthcare that you need. Continue reading to learn more about dental phobia, the causes, and what your dentist can do to help.


6 Tips for Preventing Dental Emergencies

March 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 11:43 pm
Man with a toothache

If you have ever experienced a dental emergency, you know just how unexpected and frustrating they can be to deal with. They never seem to happen at a convenient time and can cause quite a bit of pain. Fortunately, most dental emergencies are avoidable when you take all of the proper precautions. Continue reading to learn some tips that may be able to keep you out of the dental chair in need of emergency treatment.


How Your Oral Health Can Affect Your Immune System

February 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 9:58 am
Mature woman with white hair wearing a white bathrobe brushing her teeth with a blue toothbrush

A healthy immune system is very important do have, but it is especially crucial during the current pandemic. While doctors and scientists continue to work around the clock to protect people from this disease, it is important to do whatever you can to protect your health. Wearing a mask, standing six-feet apart and taking good care of oral and overall health are all great ways to do this. Wondering how protecting your mouth from damaging health conditions like gum disease is related to immune system protection? Keep reading to find out!


What Do Your Teeth Say About You?

February 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 5:54 pm
close-up of a man pointing to his smile

You may have heard the expression, “the eyes are the window to the soul,” but your teeth can reveal a whole lot more about who you are than you may have thought. While your teeth certainly help you speak in a literal sense, they also do plenty of talking of their own. Here are four of the many answers to the question, “What do your teeth say about you?”

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