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How Soon After Dental Implant Surgery Can I Go Back to Work?

November 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 7:41 pm
puzzled man illustration

If you are considering dental implant surgery, you might also be wondering about the recovery process. How long before you can go back to work? What factors affect your recovery?

Keep reading to learn what to expect during the days after dental implant surgery in Willow Grove.


How Do I Find the Best Invisalign Provider for Me?

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 8:06 pm
dentist with patient and clear aligner

Millions of people worldwide have chosen Invisalign to change their smiles for the better. You can join them, but the first step after your decision is to find the best place to get your clear aligners.

What are the factors that matter when you are considering how to find an Invisalign provider in Willow Grove? You are likely to have several options but thinking about the points in this blog post will help you make the selection that is in your best interest.


5 Ways to Protect Your Oral Health During Your Fitness Journey

October 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 10:49 pm
woman with good oral health in Willow Grove after workout

Recently, you decided that you’re going to start taking better care of your body by exercising a few times per week. Though working out is good for your overall wellbeing, it can have a negative impact on your oral health if done incorrectly. Read on to learn more about the link between fitness and oral health in Willow Grove as well as how to keep your smile out of harm’s way.


Dental Floss VS Waterpik – Which is Better?

October 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 3:07 pm
man using a Waterpik in Willow Grove

Many people find flossing before bedtime to be time-consuming or challenging to do correctly. If that’s true for you, you may want to look into trading out your traditional dental floss for a Waterpik. You might be wondering: are Waterpiks and other water flossers more or less effective than dental floss at removing food particles from between your teeth? To help you make the right decision for your oral health, here’s everything you need to know about the efficacy of a Waterpik in Willow Grove VS traditional dental floss.


Debunking Myths About Tooth Extractions

September 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 1:22 pm
female patient holding extracted tooth in Willow Grove

There are a variety of reasons why a patient might need a tooth extraction in Willow Grove. Though they are performed to help prevent oral health issues from developing or getting worse, many patients don’t know what to expect from the procedure which leads to anxiousness. Myths and misinformation revolving around the procedure only make them even more nervous. To help you feel more comfortable with the procedure, read on as we debunk some common myths about tooth extractions.


Popular Trends That Are Bad News for Your Teeth

September 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 1:11 pm
lemons and a cup of juice in Willow Grove

With all the fads that that make their rounds on the internet, it’s easy to get drawn into them. Though the world wide web is full of all kinds of useful tips and tricks about anything from how to maintain a healthy diet to how to brighten your smile, some of them can actually do more harm than good. Here are a few popular trends that are bad for teeth youyou should avoid to keep your mouth healthy.


6 Things to Know Before Getting Invisalign

August 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 12:27 am
Woman with Invisalign

Unfortunately, we weren’t all born with perfectly straight smile. However, this doesn’t mean that it is out of the question. And, you don’t have to spend years in metal braces to get it, either. Invisalign is an alternative teeth straightening option. This treatment uses a series of clear aligners to shift your teeth to their new, rightful locations. Here are a few things that you should know before you start your treatment.


How to Find an Emergency Dentist Right Away

August 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 12:05 am
Woman with toothache

Dental emergencies are very stressful, and it can be difficult to know what to do when you’re dealing with pain. It’s important that you see a dentist right away to have the issue resolved, but where do you go? How can you choose an emergency dentist so you can get some relief? Read on to learn how to find an emergency dentist and a few things to look for when you are deciding on one to help you with your dental emergency.


What Should I Expect at My Dental Implant Consultation?

July 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 6:33 pm
dentist and patient talking during dental implant consultation

Missing teeth affect more than just your oral health – it affects your self-esteem and overall quality of life too. Fortunately, dental implants are the perfect solution to restore your smile! But before you can start your journey, your dentist must determine whether you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure. Here’s a general idea of what you can expect during your dental implant consultation.


How to Sleep Through a Nighttime Toothache

July 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 5:10 pm
young woman in bed with toothache at night

There’s nothing worse than an annoying, painful, and persistent toothache. Well, except when one occurs at night. Unfortunately, that means you’re stuck suffering until the morning since you can’t visit your dentist at 3 AM for treatment. Are you currently in this predicament? Here are some ways you can manage the pain to get a good night’s sleep.

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