Now that it’s time for your child to go back to school, you’ll likely be busy buying their supplies and organizing their transportation. However, you might also consider checking in with their oral health. The last thing you’d want is for them to experience an urgent situation with their smile during the school year. Keep reading to learn five important ways to help your child prevent dental emergencies throughout the school year!
#1: Encourage Them to Keep Good Oral Hygiene
One of their best defenses against dental health issues like severe toothache, cavities, and gum disease is brushing and flossing. By practicing good oral hygiene at home every day, they can effectively remove debris, plaque, and bacteria from accumulating in their mouth. You might try brushing and flossing alongside them to show how important oral health is to you as well.
#2: Schedule Their Routine Dental Checkups & Cleanings
Since there is plenty of free time during the summer, this is a perfect opportunity to schedule dental checkups and cleanings. This will allow your dentist to monitor their oral health and address any developing issues before they can worsen over time. They’ll also have a chance to polish your child’s teeth and remove plaque and tartar, which can increase the risk of a dental emergency later on.
#3: Don’t Let Them Use Their Teeth as Tools
Does your child often chew on pen caps or bite their fingernails when they’re nervous? While this might appear harmless at first, these habits can be detrimental to their teeth. Their enamel can gradually wear down, making their smile more vulnerable to bacteria and infections. Be sure to encourage them not to use their teeth as tools under any circumstances, and keep tools nearby to avoid any temptation.
#4: Pack Their Lunch with Smile-Friendly Treats
Everyone knows that eating sugary treats like candy can lead to cavities. To promote stronger and healthier teeth for your child, you should consider packing their meals with nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, veggies, cheese, and hard-boiled eggs. Not only do these snacks have essential vitamins, but they’ll be easier to chew on and less likely to damage the enamel or irritate the gums.
#5: Invest in Protective Mouthguards for Them
If your child likes to play sports where there’s a risk of sudden physical impact, then you might want to buy them mouthguards to protect their teeth. These custom-made dental appliances can cushion their pearly whites as well as prevent the need for restorative or emergency dentistry. You’ll be able to save money and your child can fully enjoy their fun.
Be sure to keep these few tips on your “back-to-school” to-do list this month. And with your dentist’s help, your child’s smile can stay stronger and healthier in the long run!
About the Author
Dr. Krunal Patel is a member of several groups like the Academy of General Dentistry and the American Dental Association. He studied at the New York University College of Dentistry and regularly seeks continuing education to expand his skills. He offers a wide range of high-quality services, including dental checkups/cleanings, mouthguards, and emergency dentistry. If you’d like to set up an appointment for your child, visit his website or call 215-659-3334.