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Why You Should Take Full Advantage of Your Dental Insurance if You Have Diabetes

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 9:05 pm
Close up of dental insurance paperwork

Visiting the dentist can feel like a chore. You, like many Americans, may or may not be procrastinating the experience. Everyone should get their teeth checked biannually, but those with diabetes have an increased risk for gum disease, and those who aren’t utilizing their dental insurance are missing out.

There’s a Venn diagram out there where these two groups intersect. Here’s what you need to know about your oral health if you have diabetes and how your dental insurance can save you money.

Connecting Diabetes and Gum Disease

Diabetes and gum disease form a vicious cycle that feeds off of each other. Certain aspects of your condition, like difficulty in keeping infections at bay, makes it easier for gum disease to develop and spread. In turn, gum disease can make controlling your blood sugar levels more difficult. This is why you should keep an even closer eye on your gums than the average Joe.

Why a Dental Checkup and Cleaning are Recommended

Among other things, your dentist is really good at examining and cleaning teeth. Sometimes people don’t realize they have gum disease until it’s already infecting multiple teeth. However, your dentist is trained to look for these things and can see the warning signs much sooner. The sooner gum disease is identified and treated, the easier it is to remove it before it causes major complications like tooth loss.

The biggest contributor to gum disease is poor oral hygiene, so it’s important to brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once per day. But when plaque builds up and hardens into tartar, it’s often too difficult for your over-the-counter toothbrush to handle. This is why you need extra help from your dentist. They have special equipment that’s much more powerful and can clean your teeth more thoroughly.

Simplifying Your Dental Insurance Coverage

Something you need to know about your dental insurance is that it loves preventative care. Fortunately, checkups and cleanings are considered preventative! Dental insurance will typically cover 90% – 100% of the cost of these services twice per year. That’s why if you have dental insurance and aren’t visiting your dentist biannually, you’re missing out!

Something else you should know is that dental insurance benefits typically only last for one year. In other words, if you have a leftover allowance at the end of December, the money won’t roll over into the new year. Visiting your dentist also prevents these yearly amounts from going to waste!

Dental insurance can be tricky. It’s understandable if you’re having trouble understanding it. Fortunately, your dental team looks at insurance every day. They can review the details of your plan and help you maximize your benefits. So don’t forget to ask about it during your next visit!

About the Practice

Dr. Patel and Dr. Gandhi offer quality, comprehensive dental care. In the spirit of making sure patients get the care they need, Dr. Patel and Dr. Gandhi are insurance friendly and are in-network with the vast majority of PPO dental plans. If you’d like to make an appointment or want help reviewing your dental insurance plan, call 215-659-3334 or explore their website for more information.

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